Virtual Cryptogovernance Workshop

A major goal of the virtual cryptogovernance workshop is to foster discussion on best practices for governance of blockchain-based networks, applications, and protocols. It is highly interactive with lively discussions, including breakout groups to maximize productivity.   This meeting is part of an ongoing effort that began in 2019, when we hosted a meeting in San Francisco […]

Reg@Tech 7 (By Invitation)


Reg@Tech 7 brings together academics, industry leaders and regulatory experts to discuss pressing regulatory issues in connection with digital assets.

DAO Workshop Zurich (By Invitation)

DAO Workshop in Zurich, co-organized and hosted by MME On Friday, May 6, 2022, Wharton BDAP and the Swiss law firm MME co-organized a workshop on Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) – […]

Wharton Reg@Tech Europe (By Invitation)

Wharton Reg@Tech Europe Vienna Edition, supported by Schönherr and University of Vienna This invitation-only workshop brings together a high-level group of private sector and academic experts to discuss cutting-edge topics. […]

Reg@Tech 10 (By Invitation)

Celebrating a Milestone: The 10th Wharton BDAP Reg@Tech at the Wharton School in Philadelphia. The 10th bi-annual Reg@Tech event since its inception in 2017 takes place on October 12-13, 2023.