Jan 29, 2024
Applications are now open for the 2024-25 BDAP Research Fellowship. We will hiring for a postdoc or similar position to work with BDAP director Kevin Werbach, starting in September 2024, on legal, ethical, and policy issues related to blockchain (including Web3, DeFi,...
Nov 30, 2021
First Cryptogovernance Roundtable, San Francisco, California 2019 The second Cryptogovernance Workshop was held on November 30, 2021, which enabled a lively and highly interactive discussion on best practices for governance of blockchain-based networks, applications,...
Feb 5, 2019
Extract: Blockchain technology isn’t as widely used as it could be, largely because blockchain users don’t trust each other, as research shows. Business leaders and regular people are also slow to adopt blockchain-based systems because they fear potential government...